Latest News

  • Next release dates:
    • 18 November 2024 «Indigo» (Jean-Pierre Schaller), feat. «Rootwords»
    • 16 December 2024 «Peaceful» (Jean-Pierre Schaller)
    • 13 January 2025 «Again & Again» (Jean-Pierre Schaller)
    • 24 February 2024 «Vagues» (Julien Boss), feat. «Rootwords»
  • EP release «Vagues (EP)» was on 6 April 2024
  • Album release «Wizard Wisdom» was on 12. 12. 2022.
  • Nomination for «5th Annual Atlas Elite Entertainment Music Award 2023»
  • Showcase Invitation to «Tallinn Music Week 2023»

Reactions on our EP «Vagues»

Press & Reviews «Vagues»

Reactions on our CD «Wizard Wisdom»

Press & Reviews «Wizard Wisdom»

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Some Feedback on the track «Peaceful»

We’d like to share the overwhelmingly nice feedback from the Submithub community:

  • Hey Wolkenpark, really phenomenal performance from start to finish and I just love the soulful mellow vibe of the track. This is a really wonderful fit for my playlist so thanks for sending it my way. Cheers! (Mellow Mood Playlis)
  • Hey Wolkenpark, I was thoroughly impressed by the band’s performance and I think the laid back soulful vibe is quite perfect for my playlist. absolutely amazing work, keep it up, cheers! (Mood Sculptor Playlist)
  • Wow ! Seit ihr gut. Da ich selbst Trompete spiele, verstehe ich, wie gut das ist. Mix und Master ebenfalls top. Alles an seinem Platz. Ich mag vor allem, dass es 2 Trompeten sind (eine gedämpft). Viele Grüße aus Nürnberg
  • Sanfte Vibes für müde Seelen – perfekter Sound für eine kleine Auszeit.
  • Excellent musicians here! I love jazz, man! The trumpet and other wind instruments sound great. Very well recorded and produced. The piano solo was psychedelic. Very cool.
  • Sounds really great. Love the horns.
  • Good ambient mood , lively sound is cool. Drums performance is great.
  • Instrumental delicada, te teletransporta a un estado de paz y serenidad.
  • My cup of tea, love jazz. Sounds modern in terms of mix, master, sound design… I learn to play trumpet for nearly a year, love the muted trumpet and brass parts. Also play piano a bit, your keyboard parts and synths are amazing. Love the drums, except the one cymbal used in second half of track. Anyway, overall great job! You have new fan 😉
  • Lovely, authentic sounding nu jazz. Soft floaty keys and brass over a phat bassline, great rhythm. Original and inspired work. Great job!
  • Super pleasant to listen to. Love the main motiff. Nice one!
  • Nice movement throughout the piece. I especially enjoyed the breakdown that started around the 2:15 mark. Fantastic beat and instrumentation. This song make me want to listen to some more Wokenpark.
  • Good melody, Its very soothing and calming
  • Production is high quality. Drums sound great! The instrumental is very well crafted. Song form is interesting and the melody is very catchy and refreshing.
  • El track es rico en instrumental y su melodia es original y elegante, su composicion es excelente y su produccion de buena calidad, es ideal para eventos y clubs.
  • Un tema colorido y abstracto con locura en la improvisación.
  • J’ai beaucoup aimé le style du morceau ainsi que la progression des accords qui pour moi est très original. La pochette est qualitative avec de beaux effets visuels. Les instruments sont tout à fait interprétés de façon agréables et professionnelles. J’ai aimé la mélodie dans son ensemble.
  • Привіт, я прослухала вашу пісню до кінця і не один раз. Мені сподобалася атмосфера пісні. Гарна фонова музика. Гарна труба. Мені також сподобалося, як вона була записана.
  • Возможно, лучшее что я слышал за сегодня!
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Review on «Nagamag»


Διακριτικά και απαλά οι νότες της μελωδίας με αγκαλιάζουν και με επιδέξιο τρόπο σκορπίζουν την αισιοδοξία γύρω τους. Με εντάσεις και υφέσεις ξετυλίγουν το πάθος τους και με την ήρεμη δύναμή τους ανεβάζουν την αδρεναλίνη μου. Ο ρυθμός άλλοτε ζωηρός και άλλοτε γαλήνιος κρατά το ενδιαφέρον μου αμείωτο από την αρχή έως το τέλος.
(Translated by Deepl:) Subtly and gently the notes of the melody embrace me and in a skilful way they spread optimism around them. With tensions and lulls they unravel their passion and with their quiet power they raise my adrenaline. The sometimes brisk and sometimes serene pace keeps my interest undiminished from beginning to end.

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Review on «Berlin on Air»


13. 1. 2025, by Adrian

Das Schweizer Kollektiv Wolkenpark bringt mit ‘Again & Again’ einen ezellenten Jazz-Track auf unsere Playlist und begeistert mit eindrucksvollen Trompetenläufen, die es in sich haben! 

Besonders positiv aufgefallen sind uns ebenso die ausgeklügelten Harmonien des E-Pianos, wobei auch die dynamischen Drums und der weiche Bass in den Tiefen eine geniale, subtil spannungsvolle Atmosphäre kreieren. ‘Again & Again’ ist ein rund vierminütiges Instrumental-Arrangement, das auf eurem Radar nicht fehlen sollte! 

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Review on «Wax Vinyl Records»


Swiss quartet Wolkenpark continues to refine their fusion of jazz and electronic textures with Peaceful, the second single from their upcoming album Vagues (Spring 2025). The track opens with a mellow, rolling groove—drums, piano, and bass setting the foundation—while the trumpet delivers fluid improvisations reminiscent of the cool jazz era. As the piece unfolds, the rhythm section builds momentum, leading into riff-driven grooves that push the track towards an engaging conclusion.

Rooted in jazz but influenced by modern club sounds, Wolkenpark’s music is played entirely in real-time, with no programming. The band’s lineup—Christoph “Kriz” Flueler (trumpet & effects), Julien Boss (Rhodes, synth & effects), Jean-Pierre Schaller (electric bass & effects), and Johan Wermeille (drums)—brings together diverse musical backgrounds from both German- and French-speaking Switzerland. Since 2018, they have blended hip-hop, ambient, house, and drum’n’bass into their compositions, shaping a distinctive style they call New Urban Deep Jazz. With Peaceful, they showcase a smooth yet dynamic approach, combining intricate musicianship with a contemporary edge.

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New EP «Vagues» will be released on April 6./7. 2024

The mix of our latest EP «Vagues» is finished. It will be released with shows in Basel (6.4.) and Zürich (7.4.).

It features four tracks with special guest Rootwords (spoken word/rap):

  • Vagues (Julien Boss / Rootwords)
  • Again & Again (Jean-Pierre Schaller)
  • Indigo (Jean-Pierre Schaller / Rootwords)
  • Peaceful (Jean-Pierre Schaller)

Masus Meier a.k.a. Optical Noise did a wonderful job designing the artwork!

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